the Israel Elementary Science Project
The MATAL Early Childhood Science Teaching Program is part of the Elementary Science Project developed in conjunction with the Israel Center for Science Teaching and the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Watch the introductory video below!

The teaching of science in kindergarten aims at teaching a mode of inquiry as well as helping children understand the basic process of science and the way in which knowledge is verified.
Why are these skills important?
All young children like to listen to fairy tales, but do they really understand them? Or are they just responding to the adult reading or telling the tale? Sometimes what we read is interesting but incomprehensible for the children. We need to be sure that the children are, in fact, following the story. If you tell stories often enough then gradually understanding will come. But is it possible to speed up this process? Let’s see!
How does MATAL work?
The programme is child-centered and strives to guide the child in his early interaction with the world around him and with himself. It attempts to give the child a feeling of belonging to the physical and social environment and to encourage involvement in and responsibility towards it.
The program consists of four units which progressively foster basic concept development and the formation of flexible and favourable attitudes. The topics are also arranged in order of increasing complexity. This coordination is built so that children can make links between the conceptual content within and between units.
Why is MATAL beneficial for children?
This program will help children enjoy success, face failure realistically, to develop open-mindedness and flexibility, enabling him to give and accept criticism, to develop creativity and aesthetic awareness, and to promote initiative and encourage cooperation.