Our Little Olive Tree @ Woodlands had an Open House last Saturday to share with our parents, partners and public about our TBG (Truth, Beauty, Goodness) Culture and Curriculum. Together with their children, existing and potential parents were able to experience our lessons and understand our programmes better in a fun, interactive and immersive way. Teachers had prepared their lessons, learning spaces and environment fervently, in order to get ready to receive both parents and children.
We saw over 20 families with young children who came across 3 sessions of activities! All came and enjoyed each activity with joy and enthusiasm, and parents were glad to be able to participate in the sessions with their children. Everyone also got to see the expanded Infant Care facilities - this upgrade would allow us to enrol more infants into our preschool. It was amazing when these new parents allowed the team to carry their three-month-old baby. Unexpectedly, when another infant needed to be fed, they prepared the milk and did the feeding; they also helped a 16-months-old baby to wash and clean up upon seeing that the parents needed help.
Deborah Mok, Centre Manager at LOT Woodlands, recounted, “The parents observed and witnessed how good our teachers were handling the infants with love and care, and also listened attentively to Ma Lao Shi’s presentation and explanation on our teachers’ knowledge and caring skills. Finally, the parents observed us as we walked our usual route with our current three infants, which demonstrated to them how our children are able to learn through play in the friendly environment here."
“We have received well wishes from parents who said that they will pray for our preschool to continue to prosper, to serve the community and bring joy to the children,” shared Rachel Lee, Centre Leader of LOT Woodlands.
1 Peter 5:2-4 NIV Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, watching over them - not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.
These were the verses that Rachel and Deborah shared during staff meeting one day before our open house. Once again, the team reminded themselves that they are God’s shepherds being called to take care of His little lambs who are entrusted to their care. “We do this not because we must but because we are willing. Most importantly, God wants us to be to be examples or role models to the little ones,” Rachel reflected.
The team would like to give special thanks to all the volunteers - from our hosting church, Woodlands Evangelical Free Church, and partnering church, Truth Baptist Church. They came to usher and provide support, and even brought their families and friends along to introduce Little Olive Tree to the public. Additionally, our existing parents and children volunteered themselves to stay on for more than 2 hours as little helpers/ambassadors for our teachers. It was really a joy to see about 100 friends and family come through our doors that day.
Deborah shared, “It was just like a party with lots of laughter, refreshments and opportunities to speak out our concerns for the next generation and encouragement for each other. It was truly meaningful to witness the dedication and commitment fueled by love from everyone in the centre.”
We wrapped up the open house with joy and gladness, giving thanks to God for such a wonderful day to interact with children and parents. No doubt, we were all tired, but satisfied with all the smiles from all who came. The event was more than a showcase of our environment and programmes - it was a big family come-together to share the joy of loving our children!