
Our Curriculum
Integrated Programme
Independent Subjects
Integrity Time
Inventive-Thinking Workshop
Intervention Support
Infant Care Programme
Integrated Programme

Bilingual Thematic Approach

Sharing of General Knowledge and Life Skills

Reinforcement of understanding at various Learning Corners
Independent Subjects

(Code Cracker)
How does a child begin to read? By memory? By visual recognition? By endless, mindless drilling?
Code Cracker - the programme all PCS Grow and Glow centres use to teach our children phonics, is based on Synthetic Phonics. This accelerated form of learning phonics does not begin by requiring your child to know sight words or even the letters of the alphabet!
Instead, it employs the Rapid Learning Cycle to quickly teach children how to relate letters to their sounds and putting them in words. This programme thus makes the learning of phonics accessible to every child!

灵乐果 (líng lè gǔo) is our Chinese curriculum that’s designed in-house. It encapsulates the best and most advanced early childhood practices that exists.
Like the plethora of fruits that exists in our world, our Chinese programme represents the exciting, colourful and uniqueness of the language. Yet, we adopt a systematic approach in teaching the children the various learning areas.
By taking advantage of our daily experiences to help children learn, we hope they will not just learn Chinese, but fall in love with it.

To aid children in their primary school prepardness, 汉语拼音 (hàn yǔ pīn yīn) is also covered in our curriculum.
Hànyǔ means “the spoken language of the Han people”, whereas Pīnyīn means “spelled sounds”. As the official romanised system that also includes four diacritic tones, it enables the children to “decode and encode” the spelled sounds associated to words spoken in Mandarin.
Invented to promote the literacy rate of Mandarin, it encourages the use of Chinese. This is especially helpful in enabling the learning of the language among children who have little to no exposure.

(Key to Learning)
What is math, if not the study of numbers, shapes and patterns persevering? And how do we help our children persevere in their learning and loving of mathematics? Through Key to Learning, which aims at developing the cognitive, communicative and self-regulative abilities of young children.
At the Nursery level (3 to 4 years), the children do Sensory Mathematics which develops their ability to analyse the external, visual qualities of objects using sensory standards such as colour, shape and sense. (Therefore, sensory mathematics!) This stage builds the foundation for the development of their mental abilities.
At the Kindergarten level (5 to 6 years), the children discover through visual models, the language of mathematics and the concept of measurement, comparing different quantities and qualities of objects. They also discover relationships in mathematics!
*This curriculum will be rolled out to our centres in 2022.

Music and Movement
(WiggleTunes by WigglePods)
Wiggletunes is a premier creative music and movement programme for preschools. Developed by early childhood specialists and music educators, Wiggletunes is a holistic programme that provides positive and creative music and movement experiences. Through kinaesthetic activities, the programme enhances the growth of children in terms of physical, language, cognitive, social and emotional development.
Every week, the children will…
SING through songs, chants, rhymes, finger play, sound games and musical stories
PLAY with instruments, props and ensemble work
MOVE as they travel in space and in place, exploring directions, points of focus, energy and weights of movements
CREATE through improvisations and problem solving activities

Special Programmes
In addition to our Core Curriculum, we inject other facets of learning to ensure they receive well-rounded preschool education, with special attention on character education, formation and development.

Integrity Time
(N1 to K2)
The word Integrity means “whole” or “complete” from its origin Latin adjective “integer”. Having Integrity means having “wholeness” of character.
Nurturing Integrity is like building a firm foundation that guides our children in doing the right thing that does not waver.

Project Good Sam
Project Good Sam is an initiative to help the children enrolled in our centres to gain a wider view of the community at large, especially those who are from underprivileged social groups that they do not normally interact with. Inspired by the story in the Bible about a good Samaritan who stopped to help someone in need when others neglected to do the same, we hope the children develop empathy and willingness to take action through the participation in this project.
Other than raising funds, the children and their parents were also involved in assembling gift packs, and distributing them in person (where possible) to the elderly. This affords them a chance to interact with the elderly, and provide a glimpse into a world that may be very different from their own.

ArKIDtect Building Camp
In this camp, the children uncover the secrets of Paper Architecture! Through the camp, their inquiry skills and problem solving skills are sharpened.
They begin by exploring the “why”s and the “how”s behind buildings! More specifically, why and how are buildings not only beautiful, but also functional and stable.
Then they proceed to apply those principles on a radically different material - paper! Can they achieve the same level of beauty, functionality and stability through paper folding?
Finally they get to bring home their own architectural learning hat!

Intervention Support
Integrated Child Care Programme (ICCP)
The Integrated Childcare Programme (ICCP) is an inclusive programme which allows children with special needs to learn alongside their regular peers. The ICCP aims to provide a natural environment for the child to learn, play, socialise and grow up in. It helps to prepare the child for entry into primary school later.
These centres have teachers who are specially trained to address the learning and social needs of the child. The physical classroom environment is also designed to cater to children with special needs and specially designed teaching materials may be used.
Development Support (DS) & Learning Support (LS) Programme
Development Support (DS) & Learning Support (LS) is an early intervention programme for mainstream pre-school children (K1 & K2) with mild developmental needs.
We were selected by the Ministry of Social and Family Development to run the DS & LS programme in the last quarter of 2017. We currently run the programme in collaboration with KKH, ECDA and therapists from other organisations.
Infant Care Programme

Curriculum that focuses on interaction through reading, songs & rhymes and gross motor activities
Starting your child on their learning journey earlier does not mean it is better for them.
At this stage of development, infants are not expected to speak beyond imitating sounds or single words they hear from others. Hence it is important to provide linguistic stimulus through reading and singing of songs & rhymes.
They are also growing in awareness of their bodies, and what each body part can do. Hence it is important for them to learn to exercise their major limbs that enables them to move their bodies, sit up straight or grab objects with their hands.

Principles of Respect, Response and Reciprocity
According to Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, the first stage begins at birth and lasts until about 18 months old. According to this psychologist, this period proves to be most essential as it shapes a child’s worldview and their overall personality.
At this first stage, Trust vs Mistrust, the big question a toddler has is whether he/she can trust the people around him/her. Without adults who respect, respond and reciprocate a child’s affections, he/she will grow up unable to develop trusting relationships. In the long run, it affects both their physical and mental health.
Hence, by building our Infant Care programme around the fundamental need and the age-specific stage of psychosocial development, we hope to enable every infant that comes through our doors a strong start for tomorrow.

Adoption of Abecedarian Approach
The Abecedarian Approach is a suite of teaching and learning strategies that were developed to improve the early development and later academic achievement of children from at-risk and under-resourced families.
This programme includes focused language interactions, play-based learning, enriched care, and stable relationships among children and caregivers. When applied, the Abecedarian Approach can prevent the very early downward trend in cognitive development, improving their social, attitudinal and learning dispositions will enable them to enter school developmentally on track.
In the long run, it supports children’s development to their full potential.
Holland Village Centre
Blk 11 Holland Drive,
#01-20 Singapore 271011
Tel: 6778 1244 Fax: 6779 5739
Email: hollandv@pcs.org.sg
Principal: Ms Janet Leong
Admin Asst: Ms Florence Sia